Note! These are the conditions for our car insurance claims to be translucent


Car insurance is an important protection for your vehicle. Apart from being able to protect you from financial losses caused by accidents or car damage, car insurance is also mandatory for every vehicle owner in Indonesia.

However, simply buying car insurance is not enough to guarantee that your claim will be approved. There are several conditions that must be met to ensure that your car insurance claim will be accepted. The following are some of the conditions that you must pay attention to so that your car insurance claim can pass.

1. Register Correctly
The first requirement to ensure your car insurance claim can go through is to register correctly. Make sure all the data you provide to the insurance company is true and accurate, including vehicle data and also your personal data. Don't forget to provide complete and clear information about your vehicle, including the condition of the car and daily use of the vehicle.

2. Pay premiums on time
After registering, you must ensure that your car insurance premium is always paid on time. Don't be late paying your premium, because this can affect the validity of your car insurance claim in the future. So, make sure to always pay premiums on time according to a predetermined schedule.

3. Report to the Insurance When Damage Occurs
If your car is damaged, you must report it to the insurance as soon as possible. Don't delay reporting, because the sooner you report, the faster the insurer can evaluate and process your claim. Don't forget to provide complete and clear information about the damage done to your car.

4. Making a Police Report
Apart from reporting to the insurance company, you must also make a police report if your car is damaged in an accident or crime. This is very important to strengthen your car insurance claim. Be sure to make a complete and accurate police report, and include the necessary evidence.

5. Provide the Necessary Evidence
To strengthen your car insurance claim, you must provide the necessary evidence. For example, proof of repair or mechanic invoices, proof of premium payments, proof of vehicle ownership, and other evidence that can help strengthen your car insurance claim.

By fulfilling the conditions above, your car insurance claim will have a greater chance of being approved by the insurer. Make sure you always pay attention and fulfill all of these conditions so that you can get the maximum benefit from the car insurance that you have.

In claiming car insurance, there are several conditions that must be met so that your claim can pass. Starting from registering correctly, paying premiums on time, reporting to the insurance when damage occurs, making police reports, providing the necessary evidence, not taking actions that endanger the car, and not hiding important facts or information. By paying attention to and fulfilling all of these conditions, you can ensure that your car insurance claim will be accepted by the insurer. Don't forget to always comply with the rules that apply when driving a car, so you can avoid the risk of accidents or unwanted damage.